At our June 2, 2018 meeting, we will have Dr. David Jarvis visit us to discuss Orion Span which aims to build a private space station. The meeting will be from 6Pm-8PM at Nathan’s house (9327 Swansea Bay Dr., Spring, TX 77379). Hope to see you there! Background David Jarvis is the CTO for Orion…
2018-May – Biosphere 2 and Space Exploration Jeopardy
Our May meeting went well. Dr. Greg Stanley presented a talk entitled “Biosphere 2 and Closed Ecological Systems” A biosphere is the worldwide sum of all ecosystems. It is materially closed but open for energy and information. The word “biosphere” was coined by geologist Eduard Suess in 1875 (no relation to Dr. Suess 🙂 ). …
Come join us at our next monthly meeting: May 12, 2018 – Biosphere 2 and Closed Ecological Systems
Join us on Saturday, May 12, 2018 at 6PM for our monthly NSS North Houston Space Society Meeting at Nathan’s house (9327 Swansea Bay Dr.; Spring, TX 77379). 6:00 – Gathering/Pizza 6:30 – Dr. Greg Stanley will present a talk entitled: “Biosphere 2 and Closed Ecological Systems: Systems biology for sustainable life outside earth.” (details…
2018-April- Yuri Gagarin, Skylon, Space Exploration Jeopardy
We had a fantastic April 2018 meeting of the NSS North Houston Space Society. We started out with a mixer activity. Each person was handed a set of 12 cards all describing a space first. The attendees had to exchange their cards with others to get a complete set. The entire set was posted for…
2018-March-Humans to Mars and the ZERO-G Experience
The March NSS North Houston Space Society meeting covered the Humans to Mars conference, several members shared their ZERO-G Experience® (two from this past weekend, and one from the first flight in 2004. There was much discussion before and after the presentation about the Falcon Heavy Launch, Sabre Rocket engines, the idea of shooting a…
2018-February – Space Tourism
We had a great February meeting where we had a number of new people attend. The focus was on Space Tourism – Private citizens paying to go to space. The Economist predicts that 2018 will be a transformational year for Space Tourism. There are seven people that have paid to travel to the International Space…
2018-January Meeting – Looking back at 2017 and Looking forward to 2018
The NSS North Houston Space Society had our first meeting January 6, 2018 night. Sixteen people attended. We started out with a mixer activity. Each participant was handed a stack of cards containing one of the 12 moonwalkers. Each person had to trade with others until they got a complete set. We reviewed a presentation about 2017…