Please Take a Survey

We would like to make our chapter better. And we could use your help. Take a survey. Tell us a little about yourself and how we can do better. It will only take 2 minutes Take Survey

Summary of October 5, 2019 Meeting

We had a wonderful October meeting at the Barbara Bush Library. Nathan Price, chapter founder and president, introduced himself: And shared the Vision of the National Space Society (NSS): He also shared recent space news. There were 7 launches since the last meeting ( October 3, 2019 – NASA astronaut Nick Hague, Russian cosmonaut Alexey…

Next Meeting, Saturday, September 7, 2019 – 2PM – Barbara Bush Library – Featured Speaker: Carl Carruthers, Jr. – Chief Scientist, Nanoracks LLC

Join us at Barbara Bush Library Saturday, September 7, 2019 – 2PM. (Note that our meeting times have change.) Our featured speaker is Carl Carruthers, Jr., Chief Scientist at NanoRacks LLC. Dr. Carruthers is the Chief Scientist for the commercial space services provider NanoRacks. In this multifaceted role, he works directly with client researchers to…