Next Meeting: July 6, 2019 – 3PM – Barbara Bush Library – Overview of 2019 International Space Development Conference (ISDC)

Every year the National Space Society (NSS) hosts the International Space Development Conference (ISDC). This conference brings together scientists, engineers, entrepreneurs, students, artists and space enthusiasts for several days of engaging discussions, presentations, tours and social events that all focus on the events that are leading rapidly to permanent settlements in space.  This year, it…

Summary of May 4, 2019 Meeting with Herb Baker

We had a great May 4th meeting at the Barbara Bush Library. Herb Baker came and shared highlights of his 40+ year career at NASA. It was fascinating to hear first hand about how the events of the post-Apollo and Shuttle era unfolded. And before he started at NASA, he worked for the TV networks…

Saturday, April 6, 2019 – 6PM – Space – The Final Investment Frontier – Meagan Crawford – SpaceFund

Space – The Final Investment Frontier Historically, space investing has been the exclusive domain of governments and billionaires, which has drastically impeded the flow of needed capital for frontier-enabling companies. SpaceFund believes this lack of investor appetite for space startups boils down to two fundamental problems: lack of information and lack of liquidity. SpaceFund has…

Questions about Space Law?

“Who can own the moon?”  “What happens if a rocket from another country damages your property?”  “Can you salvage an abandoned satellite?”  We had an opportunity to talk about these and other questions with Nathan Johnson, a space law attorney licensed in Washington, DC at our November 2018 NSS North Houston Space Society meeting.   Mr….

Next Meeting – March 2, 2019 – Lunar Architectural Developments

Join us at our next meeting of the NSS North Houston Space Society Saturday (March 2, 2019) at 6 PM at my house (9327 Swansea Bay Dr.; Spring, TX 77379).  (Everyone is welcomed, feel free to invite others.) Lunar Architectural Developments Returning to the moon has become a topic of renewed interest in the last year or so…