Please Take a Survey

We would like to make our chapter better. And we could use your help. Take a survey. Tell us a little about yourself and how we can do better. It will only take 2 minutes Take Survey

Summary of October 5, 2019 Meeting

We had a wonderful October meeting at the Barbara Bush Library. Nathan Price, chapter founder and president, introduced himself: And shared the Vision of the National Space Society (NSS): He also shared recent space news. There were 7 launches since the last meeting ( October 3, 2019 – NASA astronaut Nick Hague, Russian cosmonaut Alexey…

Next Meeting, Saturday, September 7, 2019 – 2PM – Barbara Bush Library – Featured Speaker: Carl Carruthers, Jr. – Chief Scientist, Nanoracks LLC

Join us at Barbara Bush Library Saturday, September 7, 2019 – 2PM. (Note that our meeting times have change.) Our featured speaker is Carl Carruthers, Jr., Chief Scientist at NanoRacks LLC. Dr. Carruthers is the Chief Scientist for the commercial space services provider NanoRacks. In this multifaceted role, he works directly with client researchers to…

Summary of August 3, 2019 Meeting

August 3, 2019 was one of our most well-attended meetings yet. Nathan gave an overview of the NSS and a recap of some of the space events since the last meeting. Then our featured speaker Anima Sabale journey of exploring her dream of becoming an astronaut. (Read a summary of Anima’s presentation here.) We closed…

Summary August 3, 2019 Monthly Meeting – Anima Sabale

August 3, 2019 was one of our most well-attended meetings yet. Nathan gave an overview of the NSS and a recap of some of the space events since the last meeting (read more here). Then our featured speaker Anima Sabale shared her journey of exploring her dream of becoming an astronaut. We closed the meeting…

Upcoming Launches and Big Events and Space Events Around Houston (August 2019)

(Launch information is from LAUNCH: August 5, 2019 – Proton • Blagovest No. 14L- A Russian government Proton rocket and Breeze M upper stage will launch the Blagovest No. 14L communications satellite to cover Russian territory and provide high-speed Internet, television and radio broadcast, and voice and video conferencing services for Russian domestic and…

Summary of July 6, 2019 NSS North Houston Space Society Monthly Meeting

First off, I want to thank Greg Stanley and Dough Hall for putting together such a good June meeting. Their presentations and more information about the meeting are available on our website: SpaceX StarLink, Skylon/SABRE, and more at the June 1, 2019 – NSS North Houston Space Society Meeting We covered some recent space events:…