Join us for our Monthly NSS North Houston Space Society ( meeting. Connect with others who are excited about exploring the cosmos, learning how to use the resources of space to improve human life, and who want to go and spread humanity to the rest of the universe.
The meeting will be on Saturday, April 3, 2021 at 2PM (CDT) ONLINE Via ZOOM:
Tentative Agenda:
2:00 PM – Opening Remarks – Nathan Price
2:10 PM – Recent Space News – Greg Stanley
2:30 PM – Beyond Earth Orbit Mission Challenges – George A Salazar
3:30 PM – Q&A
3:45 PM -Share your personal space experiences since the last meeting. Rocket Launches, Other Meetings, Research, etc.
4:00 PM – End of Meeting
Beyond Earth Orbit Mission Challenges – George A Salazar
Since the Mercury Program, the intricacy of human spaceflight has increased considerably. As we venture further into space with humans, the complexity of spacecraft systems required to support human missions to the Moon and Mars will increase dramatically. Many technologies will be critical to these deep space missions. However, it’s not just the technology that is important but also keeping the astronauts both physiologically and psychologically healthy will be of utmost importance to ensure mission success. This presentation provides an overview of the evolution of human spaceflight, system complexity, and many of the challenges for future deep space mission success. The importance of sound systems engineering and human systems integration critical for these future missions will also be covered.
About the Featured Speaker: George A Salazar
Mr. George Salazar is currently serving at NASA’s Johnson Space Center as the Human-computer Interface Technical Discipline Lead. He also serves as the Displays and Controls Subsystem Manager for the Commercial Crew Program.
Mr. Salazar has over 35 years of experience in telemetry, communications, speech control, command and data handling, audio, displays and controls, intelligent lighting, project management, and systems engineering. He has been involved with the design of advanced telemetry, voice recognition and intelligent systems, for which he has received various patents. He served as the subsystem manager for the space shuttle modular auxiliary data system – a system designed to acquire space shuttle engineering data. He also was involved with the development of the Space Station internal audio system as well as development of the command and data handling flight computers and the command and telemetry computers for the spacecraft version of the X-38 spacecraft crew return vehicle. He also was the systems engineer for the hardware development of the Space Shuttle cockpit avionics upgrade to provide more insight into the health and status of the space shuttle. He led several advanced avionics technology concept investigations for the next generation space programs. He received his Bachelors of Science in Electrical Engineering from the University of Houston and his Masters of Science in Systems Engineering from Southern Methodist University. His passion is sharing knowledge with students—reaching out to well over 16,000 students through speaking engagements, tutoring, and mentoring.
About the Meeting
Meetings are open to all age groups and interest levels. Come explore with us the potential that developing and exploring space has to better life here on earth and to open up new frontiers creating new perspectives that can help enrich the human experience.
The Vision of NSS is people living and working in thriving communities beyond the Earth, and the use of the vast resources of space for the dramatic betterment of humanity.
The Mission of NSS is to promote social, economic, technological, and political change in order to expand civilization beyond Earth, to settle space and to use the resulting resources to build a hopeful and prosperous future for humanity. Accordingly, we support steps toward this goal, including human spaceflight, commercial space development, space exploration, space applications, space resource utilization, robotic precursors, defense against asteroids, relevant science, and space settlement oriented education.