All of humanity’s futures can be categorized into two buckets:
1) We stay on Earth Forever. Everything we know or will ever know happens here on this one small mote in the universe.
2) We learn to expand life, civilization and everything beyond Earth. We learn to live everywhere. And while there are no signs of intelligent life elsewhere in the universe, we know that won’t be the case forever. Because people from Earth will spread out into the cosmos.
The National Space Society (NSS) firmly votes for the second future. While it may seem impossible now, we know that if we make steady progress, it will be inevitable. Each month we explore that journey, and we invite everyone, both advocate and skeptic, both novice and expert, to come and explore it with us.
Here is what we covered in the June 1, 2019 meeting.
(Thank you Greg Stanley & Doug Hall for putting on a great meeting. Also, thank you C. Stuart Hardwick for taking pictures.)

Greg’s full presentation is available for download.
Below are some of the highlights.

Doug Hall gave an update on the Skylon / SABRE developments. His presentation is available for download:
Here are some highlights:

Upcoming Events
The International Space Development Conference (ISDC) will be held June 6-9, 2019 at the Sheraton Pentagon City Hotel in Arlington, VA.
https://isdc2019.nss.org/ Nathan, Sonia, and Christopher Price will be attending and will share the experience at our next monthly meeting on July 6, 2019.

Other Space Events at the Barbara Bush Library
Moon Men & Rock Stars: True Tales of Apollo Astronauts and Planetary Scientists.
Judy Allton: storyteller, also curator of solar wind collectors for JSC at NASA, and previously worked with Apollo lunar soil cores •Includes updates on Apollo samples soon to be opened and analyzed for the first time since collection 50 years ago.
6/14/2019, 4:30 PM, Barbara Bush Library, Earl Elliott Room (Foyer)
Saturday Shorts with CineSpace (http://CineSpace.org)
6/22/2019, 2:00 PM, Barbara Bush Library, Earl Elliott Room (Foyer)