This will be a hybrid meeting. Come in person at Barbara Bush Library (6817 Cypresswood Drive, Spring, TX 77379) or join us online using Zoom:
The meeting will be on Saturday, March 8, 2025 at 2PM (US Central Time).
2:00 PM – Opening Remarks
2:05 PM – Space News – Greg Stanley
2:45 PM – Science and Engineering Fair of Houston (SEFH)
Booth and Fair – Robert Hall
Judging – Christean Kapp
Presentations by each of the winners of the North Houston Space Society Nova Spotlight Awards
* Asa Gangjee (Junior at St. John’s School) – Aerocket
(Suman Muppavarapu Junior at St. John’s School also worked on the project)
*Ram Magathala (Junior at Cypress Ranch) – Quantum Horizons
* Akshat Chhokra (7th Grader at Fort Settlement Middle School) – Rocket Launch: Intelligence via AI
* Elizabeth Kennedy Ellison (8th Grade – Home School) – Growing Green on the Red Planet
Winners that will Present Next Month:
*Lyana Yu (6th Grader at Spring Branch) – UV Rays, Isn’t it Fabric-ulous?
*Silas Lovett (Junior at Friendswood High School) – 3D Web App to Analyze Space Debris Removal Strategies
3:45 – Houston Mars Society – Richard Perwien – Introduction and a special prize from the Mars Society for our Nova Spotlight Winners
4:00 PM – End of Meeting at the Library
(as soon as we can get there)
5:00 PM – Informal get together at PJ’s Coffee near the library
About the Meeting
Meetings are open to all age groups and interest levels. Come explore with us the potential that developing and exploring space has to better life here on earth and to open up new frontiers creating new perspectives that can help enrich the human experience.
The Vision of NSS is people living and working in thriving communities beyond the Earth, and the use of the vast resources of space for the dramatic betterment of humanity.
The Mission of NSS is to promote social, economic, technological, and political change in order to expand civilization beyond Earth, to settle space and to use the resulting resources to build a hopeful and prosperous future for humanity. Accordingly, we support steps toward this goal, including human spaceflight, commercial space development, space exploration, space applications, space resource utilization, robotic precursors, defense against asteroids, relevant science, and space settlement oriented education.
About Us
NSS North Houston Space Society is a chapter of the National Space Society (NSS) and is governed by the chapter bylaws. Our vision is “People living and working in thriving communities beyond the Earth, and the use of the vast resources of space for the dramatic betterment of humanity.” If you share this vision, please join us. (If you have any questions or comments, please reach out to our chapter president Nathan Price by email at or phone 832-620-6385.
We are working to achieve this vision through our monthly meetings where we seek to educate the community about the potential of space, the current activities going on to achieve the promise of space, and to inspire people of all ages. Our meetings are usually the second Saturday of each month at 2 PM at the Barbara Bush Library.
NSS North Houston Space Society had its first meeting in January 2018 at the home of Nathan Price who serves as the chapter president. The chapter has had meetings every month since then except one.

In 2018, our chapter was recognized as the “Outstanding New Chapter USA 2018”.

Over the months our meeting attendance has fluctuated, but generally it has grown.

Starting with our May 2019 meeting, we moved to the Barbara Bush Library which has given us a room with the capacity for 70 people.

We have had engineers, scientists, space lawyers, space investors, visionaries, entrepreneurs, and others speak at our meetings discussing all aspects of space.
Our group includes people from a wide variety of fields including engineers, programmers, scientists, writers, and people in all sorts of fields. It is a friendly, welcoming group. And we look forward to seeing you at our next meeting.